Use on multiple surfaces to stop feeding the corrosion that builds up inside and outside all areas effected by the bleach spraying process. Truck and trailer mounted equipment can be sprayed-down at the completion of work to combat corrosion.
Pumps, sprayers, hoses and fittings can be flushed, thus stopping premature repairs and replacement.
A regular spray down with Neutra-Bleach at days end will neutralize bleach crystals and protect equipment, trailers and vehicles from rapid corrosion.
Directions for Use:
Pre-rinse all surfaces to be treated.
Mix 8 – 16 oz. with 5 gallons of water for low pressure spray applications.
Mix 15 to 24 oz. with 5 gallons of water for X-Jet application.
Safety Data Sheet
Available in Gallons, 4 Gallon cases, 5 Gallon Pails, and 55 Gallon Drum sizes. See FREE FREIGHT POLICY for drum shipments.